The moment I knew: she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, and I fell in love – twice

When she spied a stunning stranger at a dance performance, it was love at first sight for Roslyn Orlando. Years later, that woman would reappear – and upend her life

In 2018 I attended a dance performance called Sinkhole in Melbourne. In the gallery where the performance took place, there were benches along two opposite walls. I took a seat. Shortly after, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen walked into the room wearing a white shirt, red pants and brown leather sandals. The whole room seemed to stiffen, and something warm and painful happened in my heart. She sat across from me, engaged in conversation with her friend. I tried very hard not to continue staring at her throughout the performance; I don’t think she looked at me once. Lacking the nerve to approach her to say hello, I left shortly after the performance finished.

Two years later, I was in a period of my life that can only be described – in retrospect – as chaos. I was working long hours in a stressful yet fulfilling job, spending every spare moment writing emotional essays on excess and aliens (for no readership but my own), taking meandering midnight walks in pursuit of the moon and indiscriminately dating strangers.

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from The Guardian


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